Work Log

01 Nov 2019

Activity JIRA This week Detail
Collections Manager UpgradeLUC023A-848work on library and preparing task list, setting up sym link etc
RSC CustomisationsLUC656A-2457includes robots.txt, attempts at basic auth as well as colours, logos etc.
Visualising the Curriculum Paper ProposalLUC656A-2455Slides etc
Meetings3UMIS, Thomas Padilla
Admin3Updating team support base, documentation, TaD checks, email, JIRA
Hutton data loadLUC656A-2421.5includes lengthy email about next steps
QMU favicon/references/GALUC656A-2441Run into live
Dspace support1Ben etc
ezProxy Support1Investigations for Karen
UTF-8 on EmbedsLUC023A-1550.5Checks with Joanne
DLIB001 vendor investigation etcLIB001-21250.5Checking closure report etc