Work Log

23 Aug 2019

Activity JIRA This week Detail
RSC Data LoadLUC656A-2414.5Write scripts for ISSN, formula for citations. Also writing Project Plan
Vernon LUNA automateLUC023A-1404Got a proven process now
ezProxy Support4Investigation, write script, stanzas
Genderize VernonLUC023A-1273
Admin3Battling with APM, JIRAs, emails etc
Server support2.5RGU journals cert, Ben URL/cert training
Carriage return issue in DIU workflowLUC023A-1452.5
DLIB001 vendor investigation etcLIB001-21252Comms with Sue, Goobi etc landing page reviewLUC023A-1442A lot of CSS to get the IIIF sharp
Vernon support1.5Getting various people set up
lac-store Support1
Spec Coll IIIFLUC023A-281Grappling with URLs - will go with collectionsmedia…
Cantaloupe start up LUC023A-1331Gordon confident
Dspace support0.5HW comms
LUNA support0.5Broken image